A Kentucky Derby Inspired Visit to Millstone Riding Club
Growing up on the beautiful Island of St. Thomas, I have memories from my childhood of attending the annual Governor's Cup Horse Racing event during our Carnival festivities. In fact, my father was on the Virgin Islands Horse Racing Commission back in the early 90s. Although I attended the races frequently, I must admit that I was definitely more interested in the social and style aspect that seemed to almost take over the purpose for being at a horse track in the first place. To this day, everyone (local Virgin Islanders) laugh and tease that the annual event is “nothing but a fashion show” without much focus on the actual horses racing around the track. And so, with that being my point of reference for the sport of horse racing, I have always wanted to attend “THE” fashion/style show of the year at a horse racing event; the Kentucky Derby! All I’ve ever heard about the event is that it is a must attend because the experience is EXTRAordinary.
Spoiler alert: I still haven’t made it to the Kentucky Derby! Hahahaha
Nonetheless, I remain hopeful that I will be in attendance. Coincidentally, over the past 10+ years, I have been gaining an appreciation for horses and the sport of horse racing on a whole through my husband who enjoys watching the races in person or on TV. Not only that, but he attended the 145th Kentucky Derby in 2019 as a first timer with his father, brother, and son. Correct, I wasn’t invited on this Man-trip and it’s all good because I support bonding trips. There is no hope for attending
this year under the circumstances, but what it has left the door open for is to learn and explore some of the history surrounding the sport as well as learning more about what makes horses such incredible animals. I’ve always admired them from afar and adapted the association that they represent being wild and free, but what else is there to appreciate?
I enjoy learning and Anne was a wealth of knowledge!
Reading a book or watching a documentary are certainly ordinary ways to gain information. If you’re new here, you figure out quickly that I seek out the EXTRAordinary! This energy attracts opportunities for living and learning in just that way. This time around, a Pre-Kentucky virtual fundraiser by Shawanda Vickers of Shoo Cosmetics was the inspiration for learning Kentucky Derby history through oral history while having the pleasure of interviewing Anne Butler and having a photo-shoot on the pristine and rustic grounds of The Millstone Riding Club (MRC) in Allentown, NJ.
In this setback location, the aura and ambiance of the property is very peaceful. Anne Butler, owner, trainer & riding instructor, greeted us warmly and assisted us with finding a location for our Kentucky Derby themed setup and display. Finding the perfect location was easy because the property is so well maintained and picturesque! To my surprise Anne didn’t come alone. She was accompanied by the most beautiful “King Leo” who is such an incredible horse with a very long and subtly dramatic tail. Immediately, his essence could be felt and we knew that although we were there to learn more about MRC and Anne, it was all about King Leo. And so, we got acquainted very quickly as he graciously posed for pictures, nibbled on the grass, and even reached for a taste of the mint that garnished my mint julep cocktail. I personally didn’t want the photoshoot to end, but I knew that there was so much first-hand information to learn from both Anne and the incredible guests at the Pre-Derby event.
This visit tied in beautifully with the Pre-Kentucky Derby fundraiser that was taking place virtually that day. As I enjoyed listening to the virtual event, Tashieka Brewer of Pink Girls Run The World interviewed Anne Butler so that we all could get to know more about MRC and all that they have to offer their horses and the individuals who dedicate their lives to the passion of training, riding, and caring for horses. From the website, we learn that MRC is “a full service lesson and show stable” run exclusively by an all female riding instructing team. Two thirds of this team is a mother-daughter duo which is equally inspiring!
Sipping on a mint julep and noshing on macaroons as we strolled through the stable opened my eyes to the natural beauty and unique differences that the horses have among each other. The timing of the tour was perfect because we had all just had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Marlon St. Julien, the first African-American jockey to ride in the Kentucky Derby after 1902. Almost 100 years later, Mr. Julien rode in the Kentucky Derby for the first time in the year 2000. His passion for the sport shined through as he spoke of his love of being a jockey and based on his love of the sport, I wasn’t shocked to hear that he would enter back into the profession whenever it becomes physically okay for him to do so. Hearing his story after listening to Monyca Peyton share about her desire to support her daughter’s dream of becoming more involved in the equestrian industry was a full circle moment for me. I’m a firm believer that representation matters and here we were listening to an African American man share his successful career as a jockey on the property of a woman-run and operated riding club; so much hope and already-opened doors for that young lady!
As the tour continued, I remained in awe of each horse. Everything from their fun “show” names to their color and the texture of their hair was so captivating. No doubt they are celebrities in their own right, and I couldn’t help but to keep snapping pictures of them in hopes to capture their beauty to share with all of you! Our time at the riding club ended, but not before it left me with a deeper appreciation for horses, equestrians, jockeys, and mint juleps. I did manage to hear Anne sharing some advice for anyone who may desire to start riding later in life and it can certainly be applied to just about any new aspiration that we may seek out. Full interview on www.pinkgirlsruntheworld.com this Wednesday, September 2nd!
I didn’t make it the Kentucky Derby, but my Derby-inspired outfit, mint julep, green fascinator, and being surrounded by the horse and stable all while listening to a former jockey has certainly “quenched my palette” for the time being. Fun Fact - the Mint Julep is the traditional beverage of the Kentucky Derby for over a century! (read more here)
When I do make it to the Derby I will be dressed to impress, but also well informed and more connected to the experience.
Will you be tuned in this weekend to view the 146th Kentucky Derby?