That Thing You Do Is Defining You
Summer is finally here. I know I’m not the only one looking forward to the longer days and warm temps. As an island girl down to my soul, I fully embrace everything that comes along with this season! This love of Summer is the fuel that ignites my fun-loving spirit and helps to keep the excitement level in my home and life at a 10 or more. Weekend getaways, trips out of the country, going to festivals, or relaxing poolside all consume the way I spend time with family and friends during this enjoyable season. Within the past few years, I started incorporating Ferris wheel rides as a must do activity while exploring new cities. I’m not interested in the ones found at the pop-up carnival, rather I’ve become fascinated by the huge stationary big wheels that are found in major cities and placed in the center of the hustle and bustle of things. You know, the ones that light up the night’s sky and seem to mesmerize as they slowly turn ‘round and ‘round with a line of onlookers waiting in anticipation for their turn.
The Centennial Wheel on Chicago’s Navy Pier
While strolling Chicago’s Navy Pier with my husband one hot night in July, the opportunity for a ride on the Centennial Wheel almost passed us by. But, we put some pep in our step and made it to the gate just before the last ride! At this point, I’m sweating, my heart is racing in anticipation, and because..well...cardio. Did I mention this was July in Chicago? Hot!! Once we got inside the passenger car, the wheel slowly began to turn and the relief we hoped to feel from the air conditioner was nonexistent. At this point, exiting the ride absolutely crossed our minds, but we were slowly ascending into the night’s sky. Rather than sit miserably, we shifted our focus towards taking in the view, and as the wheel slowly but steadily made its way towards the top, we eagerly peeped through the glass in hopes to get the perfect picture. Although the romantic Ferris wheel date I’d imagined turned into simply making the best of an uncomfortable situation, once at the top, the lit-up skyline and crowded pier became a picturesque backdrop for smooches, smiles, and selfies. Each time around, the peak seemed to come faster with an even quicker descent down to reality. By the end of the ride, we were settled and I left wanting to experience more!
View of the Capital Wheel National Harbor, MD from our hotel room
I couldn’t wait until the next time! Hubby...not so much. He could take it or leave it, but he knows happy wife, happy life. With a little convincing, I included taking a ride on the Capital Wheel as a part of our plans for during our weekend visit to the National Harbor. Luckily, we weren’t pressed for time or fearful that we’d miss the last call which made our stroll towards the ticket booth perfect for setting the tone before boarding the ride. After entering the passenger car, we were secluded and left to create the vibe, seize the moment, and experience it all together. Instinctively, posing for fun selfies and lots of laughs set the tone for the remainder of the ride. In contrast to our experience in Chicago, we felt comfortable, so the whole mood was different in a dreamy way. In fact, while enjoying each other, we almost missed what I had initially considered the highlight; marveling over the view. Both experiences reveal that more so than reveling in the view, is the anticipation of taking the ride and indulging in the memories made along the way.
I began to understand that who I am and desire to become is found in what I frequently do. There’s a familiarity to the cycle that occurs with every Ferris wheel ride. While I only shared two experiences, there have been others, and as I reflect, I realize that there isn’t much of a difference between how we seek out experiences in life with how we pursue our hopes and dreams.
I’ve learned that one of the keys to true growth is self-discovery. If we are engaging in life in a way that lacks reflection, we’ll never be in a position to evolve into our true selves. Surprisingly, pursuing and riding a Ferris wheel helped me understand three important concepts that are critical to how I achieve my goals.
I’m motivated by the benefits of the pursuit
My life changed when I began to understand that if all I ever care about is the “view” or prize, I sell myself short. The world tells us to keep our eyes on the prize, but in reality it’s merely cause and effect. Everything you encounter during active anticipation, determines the level of fulfillment that is felt from “achieving” a goal. The reason why missing the view was okay with me is because I am fulfilled from being submerged wholeheartedly in the experience. This is not to be confused with having a complacent spirit, but rather a confident one. The view is always sure to be beautiful at the top, but getting to it is where lessons are taught, faith is tested, and excellence is birth. Essentially, much like my efforts to have frequent and fun Ferris wheel rides, obtaining goals through visualizing and pursuing them provides an opportunity for constantly achieving them.
I repeatedly manifest the outcome I desire
Another critical component is that I don’t wait for someone else to create the outcome. Instead, I set the positive intention that my experiences will meet or exceed my expectations and they usually do. Therefore, even when the air conditioner fails on a ride, or the weather doesn’t cooperate, I am poised mentally to make the best of the situation. Thinking and believing that my goal(s) will be met from conception to fruition is represented in the plan and execution. The formula is simple, but the execution of manifesting the best possible outcome takes courage and consistency. I activate my faith, declare it will be awesome, and begin acting like that outcome has been achieved.
I don’t subscribe to the idea that there is one final destination
It’s easy to become attached to only working towards one huge goal, or believing that if you just do that one thing then you’ve arrived. My life hasn’t taught me this. Similar to seeking out the fun experience of multiple Ferris wheel rides, I understand the importance of not seeing my goals as final destinations. Alternatively, they are landing points that drive growth and lead to more!
I challenge you to reflect on the activity or types of activities that you pursue, and begin to see the connections about what they reveal about yourself and the goals you’ve set out to achieve. Are your habits the impetus for excellence? Let me know in the comments...let’s dialogue about it!