The Empty Nest: Our Five Beautiful Truths
The Hendricks are proud Empty Nesters!
The good news and the challenge is that there is no blueprint for this time in our lives. So, we’ve been having a fun time feeling our way through this new season. We both get asked all the time how it feels to be an Empty Nester and we both unanimously agree that we feel content and happy. When we met, we were both parents already so we’ve never really had an opportunity for it to be just about us until now. The freedom we are experiencing in our marriage feels amazing and we are having so much fun making the best of it! After years of routine in the form of bed times, cooking schedules, helping with homework, drop off and pick up times, being a chauffeur, and making plans around needing childcare coverage, we are now free to do whatever we like whenever we like. Perhaps we would miss it all, if we didn’t give it our all. Meaning, we know that we poured into our children and prepared them to thrive independently and it feels satisfying.
No relationship is perfect, but there is definitely beauty to celebrate, so enjoy Our Five Beautiful Truths that make being an Empty Nester so rewarding for us.
We’re still “young”
Sure, the term young is relative. But, I will use it to describe both of us since we are fairly young to be in a position where we have raised children into young adults. At our ages, we have a 28 year old and a 19 year old respectfully. Not only are we young, but my husband and I are young at heart. We enjoy being on the go, attending events, and traveling as often as we can. It’s a known fact that The Hendricks stay on the go!
We realize how strong our team is
My husband and I had an ah ha moment shortly after becoming Empty Nesters. It dawned on us that our team and union had grown into a strong and tight bond that has withstood years of growth and change. We have leaned further into each other now that we’ve found a deeper appreciation for our bond. It’s become really fun to go back to dating each other, but with way more love, understanding, and appreciation for one another.
We maintain our own separate interests
Nooo we do not do everything together! I do not enjoy everything that my husband desires to be involved in and vice versa. He enjoys playing music (read about it here), watching sports, playing sports, and cooking. I enjoy high-end/luxury travel, learning, self-care everything, attending events, shopping, and spending time with my girlfriends. As Empty Nesters, we are able to find a nice balance between spending time apart and together without having to juggle the responsibilities that come along with raising children.
We still have so many things that we look forward to experiencing together
Truth is, there are still so many experiences we have not shared together. This realization creates an opportunity for exploration and dreaming. We have been married for almost 12 years and there are so many more memories we look forward to creating together. High on our list is growing stronger spiritually. Mainly, the possibility to grow together in many areas makes this season in both our lives even more special.
We feel grateful for the opportunity
I fully understand that everything in life is temporary, so I understand and practice gratitude for this season and opportunity. We know that this is a gift; a blessing that comes with responsibility. As a couple, we’ve begun to practice active gratitude towards one another because we want this “empty-nest feeling” to last forever!
Thank you D’Shai and Dhymond. We couldn’t be proud, EXTRAordinary Empty Nesters without both of you!
Are you an Empty Nester? Can you relate? Leave a comment below.