Learning...Leading...Luxuriating en Blanc
At some point over the last decade, if you live or work in a major city, you’ve probably seen the hectic yet chic sea of very excited individuals adorned in all-white carrying items of the same color walking earnestly to an undisclosed final destination. These eager participants are the key component to the most stylish event of the year: Le Diner en Blanc. This chic pop-up, outdoor dining experience originated in Paris in 1988 and now takes place in over 80 cities worldwide.
Through the lens of social media, I learned of Le Diner en Blanc NYC about five years ago and it instantly became added to my to-do-list. Based on the pictures and YouTube videos, I just knew that this event was fabulous; everyone looked fabulous, the location looked fabulous, and the images screamed fabulous too. Even though these exclusive events accommodate thousands of individuals annually, participants make the list by invite only. From the little information I had gathered, it seemed to hit all the areas about me that I enjoy using to create unique and EXTRAordinary experiences- a dash of mystery, creativity, good vibes, style, and an opportunity to relish in small details that make a memorable impact. Several months after mentioning to a friend that DEB was on my to-do-list, I received an opportunity to attend the Diner en Blanc event on Long Island, NY as a guest. My preference was to be invited to attend DEB in NYC, but I knew that this was my in.
When the romanticization wore off, I had a bit of “buyer's remorse” once I realized all the items that we needed to purchase to pull this pop-up off in grand style. Little did I know, attending Dîner en Blanc would be like anything else that’s absolutely fabulous; you gotta work for it. Work for it? I just wanted to put on my outfit, slay ’em, enjoy the evening, and live to talk about it. While that did happen, I left out the part in my fantasy where we would have to carry everything with us needed to create this fabulous experience. I was no longer excited, but I don’t give up easily! The days rolled on and I felt like I was in the dark because there was a lack of communication from our Table Leader which made an already elusive experience seem disorganized and disjointed. Again, in my mind and based on the fact that we had an established leadership team, my assumption was that we were going to be a part of an actual team with some sort of guidance. To my dismay, that feeling of “being a part of something” never surfaced until we actually arrived on the grounds of the Coliseum, set up, and sat down with our row of equally amazing Diner en Blanc attendees.
I’m sparing you the many grimy details of me struggling to carry a table, two chairs, plates, a three course meal for two, pulling a small cooler, and everything else needed to have a fine dining experience for two. Oh, did I mention that I was sweating buckets and cursing the entire time? Nevermind, I digress! Somewhere between setting up our table and dancing the night away, the urge hit me that I was unfulfilled being just a member. Instead, I wanted to enhance my experience by becoming a Table Leader in New York City.
Stopping for a quick picture while leading my group to New York City’s Rockefeller Park in Battery Park.
Fast Forward to this year where I was determined to attend the DEB NYC extravaganza as a Table Leader and so said, so done! After my first experience, I could feel that there was a greater need for me to delve deeper into the grandeur of Diner en Blanc. Through this opportunity of being a Table Leader, it was time to explore the full potential of what the experience could be for myself and anyone blessed enough to be on my team of 25 tables with 50 individuals.
You see, leaders have a distinct way of noticing areas for improvement, positioning themselves to create positive change, and motivating others to fulfill the assigned task(s). Thankfully, it was my fate that I would become a volunteer on the leadership team the year after a not so successful DEB NYC. Like any strong organization, change was imminent and effective in making certain that this year’s celebration went off without as many hitches as previous years.
In my group of 25 tables, four tables with seven friends made up a core group that worked together to enhance our DEB experience. There was a detailed amount of planning, strategizing, and communication that went into ensuring that our section was cohesive and EXTRAordinary. Truly, there was no time or space for negativity because everyone needed to pull their own weight, and that was easy since we all shared the same motive of wanting to have the best time during this year’s event. Most importantly, it was absolute confirmation that the eight of us made a perfect team when our spirits weren’t shattered as we were forced to scramble to pack everything up in a hurry with wind, lightning, and very little light ended what was set to be an amazing evening. Disappointed? Yes, but most of us concur that we are looking forward to next year’s DEB NYC festivities.
The struggle to get to the extravagance is real, but not many experiences provide a peaceful outlet amongst thousands of strangers as the sun sets and a marvelous evening unfolds. I witnessed levels of creativity that leave very little left to the imagination in the most fabulous ways! Sipping wine, champagne, and dancing the night away under a starlit sky made any memory of the struggle to make it to that point disappear. This year, the Manhattan skyline along with amazing Broadway entertainment started off what was set to be a perfect evening in New York City’s Rockefeller Park in Battery Park. Eating a deliciously prepared meal on the Hudson river with a few fantastic friends is the memory cherished as I prepare myself for next year’s adventure!
Do you willingly put yourself in leadership positions, or are you satisfied with just being a participant? Share your thoughts!