Dreams Don't Die: They Wait For Us!

Once the realization of this began to feel more real, feelings of dreams deferred started to creep back into my subconscious. But why? Those dreams were dead...squashed and never to be pursued! Says who? You see, I had always wanted to become an educator, but really didn’t have the time or funding to return to school while being the sole provider for my young family.

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Reflections & New Beginnings: The Antidote for The End-of-Summer Sadness

I’m not just a teacher; I’m a chef! I’m multifaceted and multitalented, and it’s a good thing to put ALL of my skills to use. Summer allows me to be more flexible about how I spend my time, and I am always grateful for that. This summer has left me feeling fulfilled.  

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Sistahood and Vision - a Winning Combination

Positive energy, hopes, dreams, prayers, singing, and lots of laughs filled the atmosphere as they created their vision journals with the support of our group coaching them through.  In that room, we were all one; women connected with hopes and dreams of our own. Afterall, that’s why we were there in South Africa...chasing our own dreams and manifesting the life we desire. 

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More Than Just Decor

The last time I was in a position to think about the decor, details, and essentials needed for a dorm room was over 20 years ago when my parents moved me into one. Prior to moving our daughter into her college dorm last Summer, I instinctively seemed to know exactly what was needed to ensure that our baby girl’s room was all the way covered!

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Learning...Leading...Luxuriating en Blanc

Even though these exclusive events accommodate thousands of individuals annually, participants make the list by invite only. From the little information I had gathered, it seemed to hit all the areas about me that I enjoy using to create unique and EXTRAordinary experiences- a dash of mystery, creativity, good vibes, style, and an opportunity to relish in small details that make a memorable impact.

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