Dreams Don't Die: They Wait For Us!

Once the realization of this began to feel more real, feelings of dreams deferred started to creep back into my subconscious. But why? Those dreams were dead...squashed and never to be pursued! Says who? You see, I had always wanted to become an educator, but really didn’t have the time or funding to return to school while being the sole provider for my young family.

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You're Simply The Best...Est. Summer 1969

Saying I love and appreciate you doesn’t feel like enough in comparison for all that you do and the way you make me feel. So, on your birthday, it’s fitting that I thank you for taking the time to develop the many aspects of who you are. Living with this level of intention creates a harmonious flow of growth, love, and success for our entire family.

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The Vibes Are Sweeter When They're From Your Own Culture

We did both...problem solved! We weren’t on an island, but it didn’t matter because with every troupe that passed us by, I was transported to familiar times when annually attending the Carnival parade with family and friends on St. Thomas was my norm. A Beautiful array of men and women dancing in the street and feeling free with vibrant costumes on erased the fact that we were sweltering in Lithonia. In true Caribbean fashion, nothing mattered but good vibes.

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